I’m Ash Tyson, a designer from ashtyson.com and this is little blog with bits of weather and other interests!
aTantalus? What’s that all about?
It’s a not very long story from a long time ago involving designing “a tantalus”. The domain was still available. So here we are…
Design & Web Design
I do everything from a quick logo or web banner to a finely wrought website or sales brochure . I’ve been known to offer a range of other services from marketing, editing and consulting to photography and music.
Alongside the graphic and web design
side of things, I can also help with the organisation of small & large print runs; signs and livery; product design and 3D visualisation; point of sale; marketing; exhibition and Show design.Photography
I also spend a lot of time messing about with images of some sort, and I’ve built up quite a collection of landscape and abstract images that I can use on any new projects. I take a lot photos of the Highlands of Scotland and the English Lake District.